Wasson High School officials conducted a random bag check after a school fight caused rumors about gang violence and weapons at school.
The fight happened Thursday, and district officials said only a small number of students were involved.
Some parents told KRDO Newschannel13 they were upset about the checks and not being informed about the possible gang and weapons activity.
District 11 officials say the bag checks were done at random, and that after Wasson's investigations the rumors were determined to have no validity.
"It is not our intention to cause any kind of uncomfortable atmosphere. We wanted students, parents and staff to feel safe," said Devra Ashby, the district's spokesperson.
Students were also gathered in an assembly and reminded by administration that there is a "no tolerance" policy for weapons in school.
Also, district officials said that each school has the right to conduct random bag check of students is safety is deemed to be an issue.